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Please contact us immediately by emailing [email protected] with information and a photo. We will reply to confirm your email has been received.

Be very specific when identifying your lost pet and include the following information: 

  • Pet’s name
  • Type of pet (species and breed)
  • Colors (be as specific as possible and including any identifying marks)
  • Gender and whether spayed/neutered
  • Age
  • Color and type of collar, leash, tags
  • If pet is microchipped
  • Date pet went missing
  • Address where pet went missing
  • Your name and phone #

Other tips on finding a lost pet

Post flyers within a 2-mile radius of where your pet was last seen and around your neighborhood. Pets can travel far distances in a short time.  Mission Reunite offers good information on lost pet behavior and creating effective lost pet flyers.

Indoor-only cats who get out need to be searched for.  Their behavior is not what you would expect and they may be within earshot but will not come out when you call them (even if they are very friendly and responsive indoors).  They are often afraid and will hunker down in silence to avoid being detected by “predators”. For that reason, it is important that you obtain permission from neighbors and personally search under bushes, in window wells, etc.  If neighbors have sheds, garages or storage areas which may have been open, request that they open them to allow you to look for your cat.  Aggressive searching is every bit as important as hanging flyers and checking the shelter.

Placing your cat’s used litter box by an open door may entice them back to the area and into the house, particularly if you can leave the door open as it becomes later and quieter.  If you are spotting your cat in your yard or in the neighborhood, you can borrow a humane trap, bait it with food and attempt to trap your cat.  Traps should not be left unattended.  For more information and to borrow a trap, please contact us at the shelter.

If your pet is microchipped, notify the microchip company immediately and be sure your contact information is up to date.

Place an ad in local and state newspapers, as well as in online publications and on-line sites such as:

Jersey City Lost Pet Facebook Page

Lost and Found Pets New Jersey Facebook Page 

Lost/Found Pet Reports

Liberty Humane Society retains lost and found pet reports for up to one month after they have been submitted. We will attempt to confirm whether or not the pet has been reunited during this period. We will also cross reference these reports with animals entering the shelter and notify any person who has submitted a report of a potential match. LHS does ask that if you find your missing pet or the owner of a pet you found, without the help of the shelter, that you notify us so we can remove the report from our active files.

To prevent pets from becoming lost and facilitate their safe return, please make sure:

  • Your dog is licensed and always kept on a leash when outside
  • Your cat is kept indoors
  • All pets wear a tag with your current phone number (cats should wear cat breakaway collars)
  • All pets are microchipped and the microchip registration is current
  • All pets are spayed/neutered